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A word-centric brand for
St Albans High School

St Albans High School is situated a few miles north of London and is amongst some of the best schools in the country. With the arrival of a new head, Amber Waite, the school recognised the need to ‘smarten-up’ their visual appearance and better communicate who they are through refreshed branding. 

The free-spirited, grounded nature of the school came through from our very first meeting and the desire to harness the power of words became impossible to ignore. We developed a new narrative style specific to each section of the school and instead of shying away from the vibrant yellow, previously used as an accent colour, we went bold with it – it’s safe to say they are now a ‘yellow school’. 

Head of St Albans School

“MCC understood my vision for the School and very deftly wove this into a brand which captures everything our pupils, parents and staff already knew and loved about the School, in such a way that it felt like an exciting development of something comfortable and familiar”

Amber Waite, Head, St Albans High School

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Brand guidelines